
Official development blog for the PARANOIA roleplaying game. No description is available at your security clearance. The Computer is your friend.

Sunday, August 07, 2011


Epidiah Ravachol's well-regarded tabletop RPG Dread (The Impossible Dream, 2006) won awards for its innovative task resolution system that uses a tower of Jenga wooden blocks. When a character attempts an action, the player must pull a block from the tower; if the tower collapses the character fails and is removed from the game. (RPG.net Game Index entry for Dread.)

Stephen Jarjoura, on his Runester blog, posts photos of a Dread-inspired PARANOIA mission run using the Jenga task resolution system, where -- this is the brilliant bit -- the blocks are colored according to security clearance. Note, in the photo, the preponderance of green and blue blocks at the top....

Thanks to Gareth Hanrahan for the link. I asked what happened when the tower fell over. Gareth's sober response: "I'm guessing someone got terminated."

Hello! I took that photo and played in that game. On the one hand, the GM did not enforce the "color of block must be at your security level" rule, I just wrote that in my description for humor. On the other hand, you are right about the tumbling tower: your clone dies.

I ended up with a reputation for insane pulls which should have never worked, but did. Other poor fellows died while trying to operate their PDC's. It was a fantastic game; very faithful to the spirit and setting of Paranoia but with an added visceral tension brought by the Jenga tower.
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