
Official development blog for the PARANOIA roleplaying game. No description is available at your security clearance. The Computer is your friend.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

WMD bonus material .PDF 

Four or five or eighty-five years ago Mongoose Publishing brought out the PARANOIA Straight-style mission collection WMD. I edited and packaged WMD, and in the introduction I said the Mongoose website would offer a free downloadable WMD bonus .PDF containing material cut for space from the book.

The Earth spun, the seasons passed, the hourglass emptied, the months flew off the wall calendar in a tasteful animation, yet I never got around to putting together that WMD bonus .PDF. Never, until a few months ago, JUST in time for Mongoose to pull all the bonus .PDF content for the 2004 PARANOIA edition. Yeah, I know. Go me.

But! Now! Thanks to kind permission from Mongoose and from PARANOIA's owners, the fan site Paranoia-Live.net has kindly made available the free downloadable WMD bonus .PDF. Commendation point to P-L.net High Programmer Phial for his worthy assistance in making the .PDF available.

Dear me, it's out at last. Whatever shall I procrastinate about now?


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